Photo courtesy of Japanesefood.about.com
Fresh tofu - 1 small block (cut into small cubes)
Spring Onions - 1/4 cup
Seaweed (Wakame) - handful
Soy Bean Paste - 3-4 tbsps
Dashi Stock - 3 cups
Add the Dashi stock to a pan and bring to a boil. Add the tofu cubes to the soup. Simmer the tofu for a few minutes on low heat. Take out a little soup stock from the pan and dissolve soy bean paste in it. Gradually return the miso mixture in the soup. Add Wakame. Stir the soup gently. Turn off the heat and add the chopped green onion.
Note: You can find dashi stock with miso paste (combined) in some Japanese stores.
Useful tip: Remember never to boil the soup after you put miso in.
Went to Daikoku last night for dinner! Seeing that I'd finished my three months of ayurvedic eating, I had tonkatsu, teppan steak, the fried chicken skin (suprisingly appetising) and teppan vegies and of course the D Value set. Daikoku misses you!